From nature
to the grid

From nature
to the grid


The history of human-made energy has witnessed many breakthroughs. Industrial revolutions have all been inspired – and fueled – by a change in power generation technologies. The one we are going through is the first ecological transition, aimed at making best use of natural resources and zeroing climate-altering emissions.
Achieving CO2 reduction objectives while at the same time guaranteeing grid continuity and maximum-efficiency power generation: this is the mission Ansaldo Energia is committed to.
To pursue these goals, the Company adopts an open, multi-technology approachDecarbonization must exploit all available technologies and opportunities: from the production of green hydrogen powered by solar and wind, to the use of hydrogen as a non-carbon fuel for rotating turbomachinery; from innovative energy storage solutions, to CO2 capture and sequestration; from renewable sources, to the fusion research programs in which Ansaldo Nucleare participates.
Ansaldo Energia has incorporated many of the targets of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development into its ESG commitment: the Company’s business approach, processes, actions and relations with the stakeholders all comply with these objectives.

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