The 300 MW power station will run on 100% sustainable biofuel, Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO).
Nuclear energy is an essential component of the low-carbon economy. Half of the CO2-free electricity generated in the European Union comes from its more than 120 nuclear reactors in operation. The contribution of these plants to the abatement of overall carbon emissions amounts to 700 million tons CO2 per year.
Ansaldo Nucleare provides tailored design and engineering, manufacturing, assembly, testing, commissioning, on-site installation and integrated logistics services for all market segments in which it operates: New Builds, Fusion, Plant Operation Assistance, Decommissioning and Waste Management.

Safety, Security, Quality and Sustainability guide our vision of the "New Clear", the nuclear of the future and for the future.

Building on the experience of first-generation nuclear power plants (such as Magnox installations in the 1950s and the Italian projects in the 1970s) ...
In evidence
Ansaldo Energia develops the grid with 5 new synchronous condensers
The scope of supply includes the design, supply, commissioning, maintenance and service activities of five synchronous condensers of 250 MVAR each