
Growing eco-awareness and economic incentives (which allow for short payback times) both drive the diffusion of distributed power generation – and microturbines are a key enabler of the process. 
Ansaldo Energia’s microturbines are designed to offer high-efficiency solutions for cogeneration (Combined Heat & Power) and trigeneration (Combined Cooling, Heat & Power) in the small-to-medium power range.
AE-T100 microturbines find applications in civil engineering, hospitality, agriculture, industrial and waste treatment plants: practically everywhere a compact, flexible and efficient solution for energy generation is required. 
Contrary to other technologies, turbines generate very low emissions, vibration and noise levels – and this makes them particularly suitable for use in an urban environment. 
Multi-functionality is a another benefit they offer: as an example, in a data center or a mining farm they can provide cooling to the server room, heating to the offices and backup power in case of network failure.
Transition-related applications include the use in electric vehicles’ charging stations as a power booster, and in smart grids as an energy buffer (with the additional advantage, over a battery system, of also providing heat).
100 kWel AE-T100 microturbines are developed to work with different fuels (including biogas) and tested for burning up to 80% hydrogen in the fuel mix. They can also be powered by external sources – so complementing biomass combustion and concentrated solar generation plants.








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