Together with Candu Energy Inc. (Candu Energy), an AtkinsRéalis company, and Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.
Ansaldo Energia designs and manufactures in-house the core equipment for power generation. Turbines and generators are offered as equipment in new turn-key plants, as high-tech components for repowering existing facilities or as stand-alone packages for direct sales to Customers or other EPC contractors.
Ansaldo Energia turbines and generators play a key role in the energy generation chain, and their high flexibility make them an irreplaceable element to ensure the stability of the electric grid throughout the transition phase – and beyond.
All-round value
Ansaldo Energia gas turbines are at the forefront of power generation technology, and are designed to play a key role in the European Green Deal scenario.
- They are highly performing and efficient (800+ MW in Combined Cycle with the GT36 model).
- They deliver best-in-class operational flexiblity (i.e. ability to burn a variable fuel mix as well as to offer fast start-up, fast ramp, high part-load efficiency and high turndown capability).
- Thanks to their flexibility, they can ensure grid stability and balance the intermittence of renewable sources.
- They are designed for smart and low-cost maintenance: long intervals between inspections, minimized scope and easy replacement of the critical parts.
- They are hydrogen-ready: capable to burn up to 80% hydrogen (depending on the turbine model) when blended with natural gas. This allows a progressive reduction of the CO2 footprint, in line with the European Green Deal targets.
- Ultimately, they represent a future-proof investment that guarantees long-term reliability, low lifecycle costs, high Return On Investment and protection of the asset’s value over time.
The 560+ MW GT36
The Ansaldo Energia GT36 turbine reaches one the highest power levels in Europe:
- 560+ MW in Open Cycle (43% efficiency)
- and 800+ MW in Combined Cycle (62,6% efficiency).
CO2 emissions are 40% lower and NOx emissions 70% lower than the average of the Italian thermoelectric sector.
A colossus of 520 tons of weight and 13.5 meters of length, it delivers enough power to support the electricity consumption of over 500,000 households.
The first GT36 is in operation at thermoelectric plant in Porto Marghera.
The project envisages the gradual introduction of hydrogen as a part of the fuel mix in order to contribute to the decarbonization of the electricity sector.
Ensuring grid stability
Synchronous Condensers are turbogenerators or salient pole generators which work as motors without an active load – providing both reactive power and inertia to the grid.
They play a key role in the world of renewables, where the intrinsic variability and lack of inertia of the natural sources affects the stability, voltage quality, reactive power and power factor control of the electric network.
Synchronous Condensers represent a well-proven, effective and reliable solution to this problem. Their strategic deployment helps stabilize the grid, thus minimizing the risk of blackouts.
Ansaldo Energia’s entire generator portfolio is available for use as Synchronous Condensers.
In evidence
Calendar 2025 / Expertise