Calendar 2025 / Vision
Nuclear plant EPC contractor & system integrator
Building on the experience of first-generation nuclear power plants (such as Magnox installations in the 1950s and the Italian projects in the 1970s), Ansaldo Nucleare has played a central role in the development of Generation III+ technologies such as AP600, AP1000 and ESBWR, from feasibility studies to module design. This includes the qualification and licensing of innovative passive safety systems and other special components.
In recent years, Ansaldo Nucleare has consolidated itself as Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contractor and system integrator by managing the design, supply and installation of nuclear components in several recent projects in Italy, UK, France, Romania, Slovenia and Argentina.
The experience gained through past and current projects places Ansaldo Nucleare at the forefront in the design and construction of nuclear installations – either as integral parts of new power generation plants or as modifications to existing plants aimed at life extension and safety improvement. All activities are integrated with the management and treatment of radwaste from operation and/or dismantling.

A nuclear plant is a highly complex system where all engineering and construction activities need to be carefully planned and managed.
In evidence
Europe completed its second sector of the ITER Vacuum Vessel
A key milestone for the revolutionary project that involves Ansaldo Nucleare